Documentary | Todd Melby

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To get the aerial shots in Black Gold Boom, Todd held open the airplane window for the director of photography.


Black Gold Boom

A documentary film about the North Dakota oil boom — and bust.


Fight Night in Crude Country

During the height of the oil boom, I documented a night of MMA fights in Williston, North Dakota. Photographer Ben Garvin took pics. My favorite quote: “We were sitting there at the table saying, ‘He’s gonna come up and whoop the shit out of that guy.’ And he did. Can I have your lighter?”

Tattoo Your Ride, Not Your Hide

During North Dakota’s oil boom, James Goeres sold pickup truck stickers from a mobile home. This short video was featured in Rough Ride, a 2013 interactive documentary. Shout out to photographer Ben Garvin for this fantastic image.


Oil To Die For

America’s thirst for oil is as strong as ever. And thanks to a giant boom in North Dakota, more U.S. oil is extracted at home. That’s turned some cattle ranchers into millionaires, a few oil bosses into billionaires and put money in the pockets of working people. But those riches have come at a price.

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Highway of Hope

I first spotted Adelle Hackworth on the top of her food truck, talking to a friend. I stopped my SUV, turned around, climbed up on top and asked why she’d come to North Dakota. She told me.


Singing Salvation Army Bellringer

I was at the Mall of America, trying to track down an Icelandic woman who had flown to America to do Christmas shopping. And then I heard Arthur Jackson, a man who captured my heart.


Death’s Footprint

Oh man, those bagpipes were loud. For this project, I also recorded the sounds of a cantor, a crematorium, and a resomation chamber.
I also asked people what their plans were for their dead bodies.

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Consuming Desire

This documentary, produced for Chicago Public Media, examines examines what motivates us to buy more than we need and whether this culturally sanctioned pursuit hints at darker aspects, financial or emotional, in our lives.


Grandma’s Got a Nice Truck

Life is quieter in Twin Buttes, North Dakota. Cory Spotted Bear and friends built a traditional earth lodge there and reflected on the oil boom.


You Gotta Be Careful Out There

When a mud pump fell on Richard Karpe’s arm, doctors wanted to amputate. Not so fast, he said.